I don’t always make good choices. Last night I ate too much ice cream while we watched fireworks after the baseball game. Maybe any ice cream is “too much” for me, but I don’t want to be rigid. I like to flow with the occasion. Today my stomach doesn’t feel so good and I’m reflecting…

Hey Friends, I have a hold on a beautiful space on the Oregon coast for a retreat-style Nia White Belt Training week to begin October 22nd, 2016 Please let me know if you might do this. I need interest to confirm. All the content of a White Belt + applying Nia’s gifts and perspective on…

Two colleagues were comparing notes yesterday on their home remodeling projects. They shared photos of re-painted cupboards and up-dated fixtures. It sounded like the joy is in the doing and “done” is not what drives them on to the next project. I can relate to that, except that my remodeling project seems to be my…

My Nia Training has helped me develop a resilient and sustainable lifestyle as I grow older. Topics covered that relate to issues of aging: To adjust the intensity of any workout, recreation, or chore to perfectly match your current needs, ability, and energy. Practical methods to improve learning and memory, remembering with body sensations, and…

While I’m in Portland for the Trainer’s summit, each Nia class will be taught by the choreographers of the Nia routines. These classes are open to the public at Studio Nia. I’m looking forward to this delightful week of immersion in brilliance.

Here’s preview of “Pulse”      https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/iammovement?source=feed_text&story_id=10207926889195410

We’re discussing the upcoming week with all 4 grandchildren, juggling the varied interests and ages. The conversation gets stuck on a schedule challenge. After a pause, I say, “What I want to do is be relaxed and playful.” Bob acknowledges that’s a good idea. Then, after a pause, he says, “That’ll be a change.” I…

Seen on the bulletin board at RainRock Treatment Center for eating disorders: “My soul is hungry, time to make art.” I love the suggestion to replace my over-snacking with creativity.  But how do I get out the paint or the flower vases while I’m here in a parking lot? Applied to this moment, it’s time…

Moving Toward Health joins the Nia Technique campaign to “Get In Your Body,” part of the 30th anniversary year celebration of the innovative fusion fitness program. Moving Toward Health applies the concepts of this campaign for older clients. “Getting in Your Body” recommends listening to sensation, choosing pleasure, and making choices to be more body-aware…

Today I’m re-defining self-care to doing the things I wish I had someone else to do for me. From being the efficient secretary I wish I had, to providing the delicious-nutritious meals I want, I must learn to be my own CEO executive as well as my own CVO chief visionary. Perhaps I can find…

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