Nia Workouts involve cycles and set series that help to strengthen the nervous system and the body. We include cycles to improve skill using speed, range of motion, and intensity as well as repetition designed to improve awareness, sensory IQ, strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, relaxation, and effortless conscious skill. Learning dance patterns and reorganizing the…

When I first met The Nia Technique, I did all moves at half speed and still believed that there were some moves I would never do again. My journey of healing my knee included Nia, surgery, healing touch, and believing it was possible. The real life-changer was shifting out of “putting up with.” I now…

I’ve taught OSU’s Better Bones and Balance curriculum for years. I’ve also taught Nia classes for even longer. What I notice is that all the recommended moves for building bone density show up as part of the choreography in regular Nia Technique classes. Once you learn to be aware of the bone-building potential of your…

Want to stay happier and healthier this holiday season? Here are nine Holiday Health Tips from health and wellness expert Debbie Rosas to help you to survive the holidays without the extra stress or the extra pounds. A healthy holiday is all about integrating healthy choices into your holiday happenings. There’s no reason to miss…

I’m attending the conference of the International Council on Active Aging. “Active” aging is not about a specific ability level. It is about a choice to be engaged in life, who and where you are at the moment.

Whether you are applying it in  Nia class, any other class or sport, or to your everyday life, the training in body literacy provided by The Nia Technique will open up many new doors.

Clearing the garden, harvesting… clearing the emotions… what is your mental and emotional harvest from the summer?

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